
Teenagers: BLAZE

Blaze is a teenage club for all teenagers in grades 5 – 9. Every Wednesday, a cool program is planned, switching between a fun activity, a hangout event or a teenage church service. We meet Wednesdays at 18.00 – 20.00 and Sundays at 10 – 12. Keep an eye on our Instagram and our Facebook group for parents for more info.  

If you are in 7th or 8th grade, you can become a part of our Confirmation Class. Read more here.  

Young Adults: ACT

If you are a young person between 16 – 30 years old, you are welcome to attend ACT! We are an open community for every young person in Copenhagen who wants to explore faith. In addition to social events, we gather for monthly services and in life groups.  

One Sunday every month there is an ACT Service, which is our evening service from 19:00 – 21:30. It’s a one-hour service with worship and a sermon, followed by café and community. Follow us on our Instagram and Facebook for more info.  

Life Groups are a great way to get to know more young people in the church, and we have dedicated life groups for young people. You can read more about life groups here. 


BLAZE and ACT are part of the association (forening) ‘TRIBE’.

You can become a member of TRIBE if you are between 11-30 years old for 100 kr. per year. As a member you get member-friendly prices for our various events, camps, excursions, etc. and you help support the ministry for our teenagers and young people in the church.

It is still free to come for our weekly events.

Sign up to become a TRIBE member here:


Our dream with the intern team is that as a young person you will have the opportunity to join a team with other young people, with a focus on personal, spiritual and service development. We dream that the intern team will be a “win-win” for both the church and the young intern; that you yourself will experience growth in your gifts and service, and that at the same time you can contribute directly to the church.

As an intern, you will be offered a room in our dormitory on the 4th floor of the church, a trip abroad and become part of the staff in the church with your own areas of responsibility in either teenage or youth work, media, children, next steps, etc.

Read what Emil writes about being an intern:

“As an intern, I have joined a wildly inspiring and exemplary team and gained insight into running a church like this. At the same time, I have been assigned specific leadership responsibilities where I could grow in my own service.”

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